Friday, May 14, 2010


I.B. Singer, a Polish-American novelist wrote: "Every writer must have an address, a place where his soul lives." Certainly my address was created not only by the people I encountered, but by the books impacting my mind, the teachers mentoring me, and the friends and family encouraging my struggle to be whatever I might possibly become.

On my thirteenth birthday I was given a Royal portable typewrite, keys to the interior Kingdom of my Mind. I soon became a prolific "hunt and peck" writer of school reports, letters to friends and family, and stories lost to all but memory. And so began a lifetime of discovering what I thought by writing. Finding words that not only expressed my thoughts, but revealed the emotions underlying them.

Writing is more than is enduring months of emotional and intellectual concentration; and it is the only way of living I have been interested in....rewarded by the surprise of discovering what I contain by an obsessive drive to pass along to others my intense feelings about what I have witnessed.

Norman Weissman

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