Monday, January 17, 2011


"I asked God for strength, that I might
I was made weak, that I might learn
humbly to obey.

I asked for health, that I might do greater
I was given infirmity, that I might do better

I asked for riches, that I might be happy,
I was given poverty, that I might be wise.

I asked for power, that I might have the praise
of men;
I was given weakness, that I might feel the
need of God.

I asked for all things, that I might enjoy
I was given life, that I might enjoy all things.

I got nothing that I asked for - but everything
I had hoped for.

Almost despite myself, my unspoken prayers
were answered.

I am among all men, most richly blessed."


1 comment:

Roland, Boulder Colorado said...

Hello Norman,

I was googling my father's name and one of the places it turned up was in an excerpt on Haiti from your book which I read and found interesting.

My father was Benjamin A. Cohen of chile, who died when I was 8 years old (I'm now 58). It was such a surprise to see him quoted in a current work, I was wondering if perhaps you knew him personally?

Roland Cohen